Monday, July 18, 2011

"I'm old and afraid"

Spoken Like the Leader He Isn't

Legacy Republican John McCain, aka Manchurian Candidate

“With a huge segment of the media clearly cheering for Obama,” Republicans, McCain says, risk being blamed for any economic tremor, as unfair as that may seem. “Some people say we wouldn’t get the blame — we would get the blame.” After three years of highlighting Obama’s inept economic stewardship, suddenly, he fears, the party would have the finger pointed at them. [full]


Anonymous said...

Oh barf. Stand up and fight like a man John. This is a street fight, not negotiations. Take a few lumps, but make sure you give better than you get.
Small debt increase, no tax increase, offer spending cuts bigger than debt increase, then 'give in' to specific cuts equal to debt increase. DO NOT give Uhbama free rein.
Do it every three months until 2012 elections.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

I-RIGHT-I said...

Britney Hume just made the same point tonight on Fox 7.18.11. I think they are all in the bag.

Cheesy said...

Poor john mcpain thinks he's still relevant. Go home, sit in your rocking chair and have a nice cup of tea, john.

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