
Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Jetting through the Alps
This video of a Swiss fighter pilot flying ''nap of the earth'' through the Alps is worth a view.  You certainly can't experience the landscape on a cheesy Shock video player the way you would on a big screen, but the musical score is perfect.  You know what I was thinking each of the several times I watched it?  I can see Al Gore demanding that this music be played when he makes his appearance at the 2008 Donk Convention.  It's also very suitable for when he accepts the Nobel Science Award in Oslo.


  1. OMG.. I think I just wet myself.

  2. Wait a minute. I thought Mont Blanc (2:38) was on the French/Italian border . . . . WUWT?

  3. Is it any wonder why fighter pilots suffer from depression when they get too old to fly anymore?

  4. It's not like the French or Italians have an air defense Chuck. Climbing the Matterhorn nearly made me 'gasm.

  5. Forgive the ignorance, but what is the soundtrack? Thanks.

  6. WOW. I want that on DVD to blow my mind on my home theatre.

    Great music

  7. Wow! The music is fab' with that video. You sure find some great stuff, Rodger. Of the many places we visited in Switzerland, camping in Lauterbrunnen was most beautiful and we could see the Gimmelwald above our valley. But nothing like this view from a jet. :)

  8. Album:ERA...Group:ERA...Tune:Ameno

  9. Switzerland has an air force???

  10. JMcD, how you know dat??

    Rogder, you are correct sir. Husband and I just viewed together and we agreed it needs to be extended and served up at an IMAX theatre. That would be so cool.

  11. Hi Juice....I ran it down on line.

  12. Juice...Listen to AMENO-Read lyrics and translation at....

  13. > Switzerland has an air force???

    Oh yeah. They keep it hidden inside tunnels. Mess with 'em, the jets come out and use the highways for runways, then it's back into the tunnels while your corpse cools.

    You think third-world foreign aid recipients would store their Kruggerrands in Switzerland if it wasn't protected?

  14. I've watched this several times myself now. It's breathtaking graphics with awe inspiring music reminded me of this (then click the link just below the big picture). It is an 8.6 Gigapixel picture of a 1513 Italian fresco. You can zoom in to get very personal with any part of it. You may recognize the music from a recent tv ad featuring slow motion basketball.

  15. >>Switzerland has an air force???

    Of course. And nuclear subs with ICMBs and lots of modern nukes. Gotta protect all the wealth in those Swiss banks -- gold extracted from concentration camp victims' teeth, not to mention the private fortunes of African Muslim dictators and the various (and numerous) Saudi princes.

    The Swiss protect their skies, meanwhile Muslims invade on foot by the millions under the guise of 'immigration", even though they open hate Switzerland.

    This next century is going to be punctuated by hundreds of millions of war deaths. The Islamicists will force the issue.


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