Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Jesus Fraud

Simca and John

When this guy Simca Popolopowiotz (what I've called him)  popped up as the director of The Lost Tomb of Jesus, merry-go-round music played in my head.  This guy has been a regular on Discovery Channel for the past few months, and I've watched most every episode as he trudges through the ancient world looking for truth, or something. At some point - I wasn't looking for anything - at some point a pattern emerged. The underlying theme seemed to be discrediting stories and documents surrounding Jesus Christ. That's not unusual, but this guy was slick enough that I took him at face value ... some Jewish guy interested in history, until ... .

The Jewish historian Josephus is THE historical source for that period of time.  His published work Antiquities of the Jews contains a passage know as Testimonium Flavianum. That passage is one of about two references to the historical Jesus anywhere, and Josephus describes him as the 'Christ.'

When Simca got around to Josephus, and this particular passage, his tone and tenor took a turn to the hyper. He went to an even more hyper Jewish scholar to call the passage a forgery, perpetrated by Christians (The passage first came came under attack around the 18th century).

I'm not pronouncing one way or another on the legitimacy of  Testimonium Flavianum, but Simca's reaction to it was such that I began to doubt his motives. I think my instincts were right.

At any rate, the NBC news story pretty much spells out where this story is headed. Simca's credibility as an archaeologist is kaput. He reacted to this story like a democratundergrounder to the Downing Street memo, and James Cameron (''I'm not trying to undermine Christianity, just the opposite'') is just another Hollywood dickweed in a jungle full of dickweeds

By the by - here's some relevant statistics.
Out of a total number of 2625 males, these are the figures for the ten most popular male names among Palestinian Jews. the first figure is the total number of occurrences (from this number, with 2625 as the total for all names, you could calculate percentages), while the second is the number of occurrences specifically on ossuraies.

1 Simon/Simeon 243 59
2 Joseph 218 45
3 Eleazar 166 29
4 Judah 164 44
5 John/Yohanan 122 25
6 Jesus 99 22
7 Hananiah 82 18
8 Jonathan 71 14
9 Matthew 62 17
10 Manaen/Menahem 42 4
Mary/Mariamne 70 42
Salome 58 41
Shelamzion 24 19
Martha 20 17



Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...

Man, if the names Jesus and Mary are rock solid proof of it being him, then I can show you about a million reincarnations of him in Mexico. I love people who set out to disprove everything in the bible. I mean, The contents of the bible must be all fairy tale's if Bush reads it. Psh.

Anonymous said...

Geeze! Just a timing coincidence?
Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday...a Christian Holy Season. Hmmmm, Nope. No one's gonna wonder.

Anonymous said...

Dickweed in a jungle of dickweeds. I like it. May I use that? Im gonna anyway, but I thought I would ask....

Rodger the Real King of France said...

It's yours.

Anonymous said...

Juice, the timing is no coincidence. In the age of cross-market merchandising, EVERYTHING is coordinated. They're going for maximum impact/offense.

I'm so sick of these self-important pukes I can hardly stand it. The cowards in Hollywierd wouldn't DARE offend Muslims.

Anonymous said...

Anyone want to buy my autographed picture of Jesus? I've had it a very long time. Also have his rookie card, when he was playing for the Angels.

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