
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Royal Idiocy

Rumor: Prince Charles is Alive
I hate pulling stuff off of Drudge's page,  it's so déclassé for a serious news blogger, but this is just precious. Bonnie Prince Charlie  knows the key to a healthy lifestyle. 

Ban McDonald's.

That's it.  Well done your worship, well done. 


  1. No wonder Dame Helen Mirren only wanted a burger after winning her Oscar the other night. She probably hadn't seen one in years. At least over here she doesn't have to worry about Mad cow disease in her burgers.


  2. Turns out 'charlie' is just another British anti-American prick as we see he failed to mention the lousy showing comparing salt,calories,and fat with the 'Cornish Pasty'....He sounds like one of the 'frogs'.

  3. Why should I listen to some idiot who divorced one of the best looking women in the world so he could marry his horse?

  4. I always thought it was a shame it wasn't him in that Paris tunnel that night.


  5. LOL

    CHUCK !


    Charles should be shown a new way to consume his Bangers and Mash...

  6. Rodge, check the audio clip on my blogger profile. Skip ahead to the end of it. I was bored and I'm more concerned about whether it works or not. Don't actually listen. :D

  7. In the same vein as MM's pulp fiction attribute the other day, let me just say, "Hey, check out the blog on Josh!"

  8. Shhhhh, don't read that. It's really crap that I can vent out when Rodger doesn't have a post that I can just comment in. :D. I encourage nobody to read it, serious. I tried it before and I feel funny thinking people might see my horrible grammar and punctuation. It's just a little rant diary, so shhhh.

  9. Oh, sure Josh. Doon't be afeared. Your secret's safe with me. ;)

  10. Well, I heard it Josh. Now listen to my sound.

  11. Hahahaha. I want people who don't know me to come on that page of mine and get pissed, Rodge.

  12. Hang in there, Ma'am.
    Live long enough to save your country from your son.

  13. Banning McDonalds is a start.

    Banning royal inbreeding is a good choice, too. That cheeky little fornicator, Charles, and his ugly hag Camilia are a national embarassment.


Just type your name and post as anonymous if you don't have a Blogger profile.