
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Sweepin Dook



  1. wow...

    simply wow...

    when's the last time the Terps did that?

  2. It's common. Terps have won 5 of the last 7. We counted 12 points the official gave Duke tonight, so it wasn't as close as the score.

  3. >>>

    I thought they were going to lose it when they blew that 12 point lead, but lo and behold! Helluva game!! (Except the TV coverage was FRUSTRATING!! Someone by ESPV some new satellite trucks!!)


  4. it's nice to see someone who wears red having a good year after the stellar performance of Rutgers.

  5. From the Duke boards:

    TheRedArmy wrote:

    "That game was about to drive me insane. I hate Maryland with every ounce of my heart and soul. I hate that little show boating Venezuelan and that complaining perspiring Gary Williams. Also, did anyone else mute the TV so they wouldn't have to listen to Dickie V? I got so tired of him my TV was muted the entire 2nd half. I did manage to turn the sound back on when ESPN did a great job and lost the video feed. However, as soon as I turned it on, I was immediately lost in what was happening. Dickie V is terrible at helping actually call the game and let you know what is going on.
    >From having to watch the end of the uCONn game to losing video feed, I'm not happy with ESPN, Duke, and especially Maryland. Oh yeah, and UNC, I can always find room to hate them. Now I'm going to bed before I blow up."

    I love it.

  6. C'mon, beating Duke is like picking on a cripple.


  7. 'I hate that little show boating Venezuelan '



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