Thursday, March 01, 2007


Gaming the Rule of Law

Teachers union pushes political spending bill

OLYMPIA -- The state's largest teachers union is pushing legislation that would, in effect, allow unions to spend fees paid by nonmembers on political campaigns without first getting permission.

The bills, drafted by the Washington Education Association (WEA) and other labor groups, were introduced Wednesday in the House and Senate by a handful of Democratic lawmakers.

Union leaders say they are merely trying to clarify a confusing statute.

But critics said the union is attempting an end-run on the U.S. Supreme Court, which is currently reviewing the constitutionality of a Washington law that required unions to get permission before spending nonmember fees on political causes [blah-blah-blah]

People at the liquor store are always asking, "Rodge, you don't really mean to say that Democrats are lawless reivers, do you?"   Hell yes, I do.  What gives so many of us the itch to climb aboard my B-52 is you can't debate them, they lie.  You can't pass legislation they don't like; they find a judge to overturn it.  You can't even get a Supreme Court ruling they'll recognize if they don't like it. 

This whole matter was settled by the 1988 Beck decision. Unions refused to comply, so in 1992 President Bush issued Executive Order 12800 that attempted to put some teeth in the decision.  Unions didn't like it, so they ignored it. Unions give Democrats so much of their member's money because Democrats in turn protect them from having to obey laws. That's why we're going to nuke everybody.  I'm sorry, but that's all they pay attention to.


Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...

I can't wait to be old enough to start a story with 'People at the liquor store are always...' :D

You know, my blogger profile pic is 3 years old. I betcha I could go buy a fifth and nobody'd card me. I've had the 'check to see if customer is 18' thing come up at Walmart so many times, only for them to just ignore it for me. :D

Anonymous said...


including the photo with hammer.

Anonymous said...

"lawless reivers"

Looka'-heah. There ain't no reason to be runnin' down my reiverin' kin-people by comparin' them to Democrats. They may have been lawless murderin' bastards but they had standards.

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