
Friday, March 02, 2007

The happy blind man

Today's Meta4
The happy blind man


  1. In regard to the title, not the pic:
    When asked to use "metaphor" in a sentence, little Johhny said, "I went out looking for a 10 but I only met a 4."

  2. "Dog's best friend is his illiteracy."

    Yep. Too bad so many of our leaders are drowning in their own illiteration. Clintoon's problem is his illegitimacy. Carter's is his idiocy, and Gore's is his incontinency.

    History prof across the hall from my office at the university was a great believer in purity of language and simplicity of fact. Had this sign on his office door:

    The chief strength of the ancient Greeks lay in their freedom from hampering intellectual tradition. They had no venerated classics, no holy books, no dead languages to master, no authorities to check their freedom to speculate on whatever interested them.

    Dogs. Neat guys to have around.


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