Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Insanus Galaxy

Parse & Puke
Gore says media miss climate message
Journalists have leaned toward balance at expense of consensus data, he says
Gore from Insanus
Parse this, from the man who famously asked "How many of you, I wonder, have heard a friend or a family member in the last few years remark that it's almost as if America has entered 'an alternate universe'?"

I imagine Al Gore does hear that quite a bit. Former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer is "demanding governments worldwide disclose and use secret alien technologies obtained in alleged UFO crashes ... ."  Do you know what for?  stfuHe knows that Al Gore really is from an alternative universe,  Insanus.  Since Gore seems impervious to political death, having survived enough self-inflicted wounds to kill an army of Rasputins, we need that information so we can destroy this beast, and others from his coven. 


Anonymous said...


what do you think of this carbon footprint buyout theme Mr. S?

the 'carbon credit' excuse...

the idea you can go around, vilifying everyone for their ungreen ways, while you consume 20 times more than everyone else, only to excuse your lack of environmentally 'con'- scious manner, by donating a few bucks to some shady environmentalist group intending to plant a few seeds?


did you see the latest PETERS?
Progress in Iraq

perhaps if Iraq turns out to be a success, a stable Free Democracy - an Ally in the GWOT changing the direction of the ME, the Demos will work hard to portray the liberation of 25 million, as a disaster in an environmental sense...

you know, 'Saddam bought more carbon credits in the past'

Anonymous said...

Hint - while listening, scroll to Parse & Puke and focus your eyes on both pics.

Anonymous said...

Carbon credits.
Carbon credits.
You know what this is startin' to sound like?
The ol' "indulgences" scam:
Scare the crap out of everybody.
Threaten the direst of dire consequences.
Blame it on some basic flaw in humanity.
Drive everybody's guilt quotient sky high.
Bring in a big organization that promises to intercede with Gaia on your behalf.
Party like there's no tomorrow.
Sell get-out-of-hell-anyway tickets.

Oh, yeah...
Try to crush the heretics.

Anonymous said...

Great post, Rodger! I love Insanus, and thankfully lip reading of this post made me smile. :D You are so correct on this stuff.

Anonymous said...

And you dull Americanos thought we Canucks were boring. For a county with a climate too cold for nut trees we sure got a lot o'nuts.

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