Thursday, March 01, 2007

Obama Obama

Mail Call
Hey, Rodger!
  Remember there was a flap about Mitt Romney's great great grandfather being a polygamist?  Two intrepid reporters from the Boston Globe discovered that.
  How did those two intrepid investigators of the "truth" miss this story, then?
  Note that the date of this story is before the Romney story broke.
  Also note that I'm not a particular fan of Romney -- my point isn't that MY GUY took an unfair hit.  It's that the other guy got a pass from the USmsm -- even though the generational tie is much closer.


Anonymous said...

Good look'n out Stoo.
Fabulous photoshop, Rodge. "Love the bling-bling.

Anonymous said...

I'm dying here Rodger. Funny as hell pic. Its a keeper for me. I'll have opertunity to use it for sure. Thanks Stoo?

Anonymous said...

Damn Rog, that is the best yet PS I've seen here.


Anonymous said...

Although it might explain his inner demons, I doubt that it hurts him politically. If anything, it will just make his base identify with him more. Look for a Kennedyesque return to the roots photo-op trip in September '08, where the message will be carefully crafted to lock down that 92% of the black vote that the D's manage to keep on the plantation.


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