
Monday, March 05, 2007

Parental Rights

The Rule of Law Judges

  "The constitutional right of parents to raise their children does not include the right to restrict what a public school may teach their children," Wolf unambiguously wrote in dismissing a suit by two Lexington, Mass. couples who objected to lessons the local elementary school was teaching their children. "Under the Constitution public schools are entitled to teach anything that is reasonably related to the goals of preparing students to become engaged and productive citizens in our democracy." - Judge Mark Wolf's;  Parker v. Hurley

Jeff Jacoby has more details about Mark Wolf's idiocy, but no matter how you cut it we are deep into a period of crisis.  There is a movement amongst our public school educators to begin history lessons with the American War of Rebellion, deeming anything prior to that irrelevant. It's apparent that storming the streets and hanging every judge appointed by Carter and Clinton, and every elected democrat has been rejected by the American people, so the least they can do is take control of their children's education.


  1. Check this out from Drudge;,0,1382941.story?track=rss

    Ah, the legacy of the Clintons and "Don't ask don't tell", no really, don't tell. lol


  2. "does not include the right to restrict what a public school may teach their children"

    But there is logic and reason behind the insanity. If the government ponies up the $$$ to educate the kids, the government gets to determine what the kids get educated. And, no, it's not your money anymore. Once you render unto Caesar -- it's Caesar's. (See generally United States v. Malinowski, 472 F.2d 850,. 857 (3d Cir. 1973) -- taxpayer can't refuse to pay taxes just because the feds are spending the money on the Vietnam War.)

    That's why our chilluns go to a private school.

  3. Why we've homeschooled last 20 years, three kids. No other option available!

    Sent oldest to state university (grads this spring). Constant battle to undo brainwashing. Won't make that mistake with the remaining two.



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