
Thursday, March 01, 2007

Sen. Frederica S. Wilson - Fraud

" Hell, I won a Dewalt cordless drill at a Home Depot store opening but I don't have it on my resume." Chuck martel

Doctor of Bull Shit

In response to my post about Florida State Sen. Frederica S. Wilson's bill to do away with the term "Illegal Alien," skh commented " Go look at her CV...she lists an honorary degree (D.H.L.) under "Education," from a university that offers no graduate degrees whatsoever. Doctor of Humane Letters, my aching ass."

So we did.

Now this is the kind of comment we strive for.  One that exposes a ratbastard politician as a fraud.  That's doing God's work. skh, you are our D.B.S.D. for the month of February.


  1. ORLY? Rodger, you can't EVER throw up an ORLY without putting an owl in the mix somewhere. That's like shouting 'Amen' in church and nobody saying nothing back. I'm pretty sure there's a commandment against both. :D

  2. another classic...

    Bill never inhaled, Kerry was in Cambodia, Corzine won't raise taxes...

    why do Democrats always lie?

  3. Is that better Josh? However, as often happens when adults hijack a youthful fad it gets changed, and so it is that this geeky snark is now freely used sans owl. You'll see soon enough that I'm right.

  4. You didn't hijack it. As a member of the youth, it was my idea, thus preserving the use of the owls.

  5. Hell, I won a Dewalt cordless drill at a Home Depot store opening but I don't have it on my resume.

  6. Clearly, "The Man(tm)" set her up. It's a white conspiracy, I tell you.

  7. Chuck, your forced me to change the headline

  8. Thank you, thank you. Now I'm going to have to go find out if any of the other poseurs on the left side of the aisle are trying to pad their resumes.


  9. Chuck "the hammer", brilliant. Now go get rid or these pesky invaders.

  10. Please, Oh great one, hold all other negative stories about our Dems here in Flori-duh until after the middle of March. Juice is comming to visit and I dont want the huge clouds of stupid to scare her away.

  11. hehehehehe...



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