Friday, March 02, 2007

Soros & Halliburton

Almost as deliciously hypocritical as Algore buying phony-baloney ''carbon offsets'' from himself is George Soros buying a major stock position in Halliburton. OMFG, my head is about to split from laughing at these dickweeds. Where's Joy Behar when you need her?


Anonymous said...

outstanding !

maybe he will claim it's a take over bid...

Anonymous said...

Soros is no doubt a shrewd buyer...Democrat Party No?

Anonymous said...

Is it possible for him to buy enough stock to have an affect on the management and direction of the company? To destroy it from within?


Anonymous said...

TFV, what you are referring to is known as "Greenmail", and yes it is possible. I am sure the folks at Hal'brtn have many financial obstacles in place to prevent this from occuring. It would probably take most of Soro's dough to put such a plan in play, not smart, and Soro's didn't become a billionaire by being stupid.

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