
Thursday, March 01, 2007

Sweaters for Dolphins

Opponents of Bangor security plan knitting sweaters for Navy dolphins
BREMERTON, Wash. - Opponents of a Navy plan to use dolphins from San Diego to guard a submarine base in chilly Washington are knitting hats, mittens and sweaters for the dolphins.

That cuts it.  I'm asking the Surgeon General to institute a program to inspect every West Coast resident for one of these
          Chip removed from Court Justice Harry Blackmun
.  What is it?  It's the device space aliens implant in humans after abducting them and inspecting their genitals.  We don't know (don't ask me who 'we' are, I can't tell you) exactly what the chips do, except drive the recipient insane.  Removing the implant is fatal, but I don't care, enough is enough. They're not really human anymore anyway, more like cockroaches. .


  1. Ever read a paragraph all at once, and come away with your own take? Well, now and again I do, and here's my take:

    Dolphin Chili

  2. Rodger, it just *never* ceases to amaze me of the idiotcy of these mush brained lefties. I'm 58 and over the years I have seen the devestation of young minds through the the Gen-X and Y generations. 40 years of being dumbed down and brainwashed with lefty ideology in the NEA mind control :scrool" system. Sheeese.

    And to think that some made it through with right minds, intellegent with principle and serve our country while others have sacrificed their lives. Oh God, Thank You for those that have done so.


    ohhhhhhhh myyyy...

    such fun.

    sorry charlie, starkist is under pelosi control...


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