
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Woot Pot

personal Shopper
I bought one last time around, and it's become my go-to pot for almost anything - steaming asparagus, veggies;  boiling eggs & stuff;  french frying taters (careful); washing one pair of socks or undies.  Well made.  Perfect for needs of 1-2 peeps.    I would never pay $35 for it, and I don't think anyone did.  $18 delivered is okay. You're welcome.


  1. ...washing one pair of socks or undies...
    First step in making soup.
    For when O'Malley comes to see you.
    Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

  2. Has the carpet bombing of Libya started YET?! No carpet bombing just blanket apologies...

  3. Report to the Barn RAK - I'm fifin up the B-52! (Can you bring #60,000 for fuel?)

  4. Leave one on D.C. or Vegas while you're at it.

    And don't forget Egypt...

    Got room for one more?

  5. Rodger, I'll bring the check book...wait do they take PLASTIC?


  6. The Soviets dealt with something like this in Lebanon. Their people were messed with. They kidnapped a close relative of the imam making the most noise against them, and dropped off a box containing his balls in front of his house. He was dead, naturally. They never had another problem.

    When a cafe in Germany was bombed, killing Americans, it was the work of Libyan intelligence agents. Reagan ordered a bomb strike on Tripoli. Kaddafi stopped anti-US terrorism after that.


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