
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

California - again.

When Democrats are in charge                                               

California facing doctor shortage
amid Obamacare implementation

Who Knew?
Res Ipsa Loquitor

California, the state that first attempted to implement President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, has realized there aren’t enough doctors to care for the large influx of newly insured patients.


  1. Steve in Greensboro2/12/13, 4:48 PM

    From WRAL 2/12/13: “…Gov. Pat McCrory is backing a move by the legislature to block [North Carolina] from expanding its Medicaid program or participating in the state health insurance exchanges created by the federal Affordable Care Act…”

    Blocking Obamacare, implementing voter ID and abolishing the income tax is beginning to make NC commies’ heads explode. What a wonderful sound! The shrieking of commies!

    I need Saliva-Boy to explain to me again why voting Republican is futile. (But remember Saliva-Boy, face upwind when you do.)

  2. I just got a notice that my W-2 will now show the employer cost of my employer provided health insurance as mandated by the Affordable*cough*spit* Health Care*cough*bullshit* Act.
    I can see the next stop coming - that amount will be taxed as ordinary income. Maybe one could rationalize that it's income, but I never had the option to say "no thanks" to my health insurance and take my previously unstated cost as a cash payment every year, which I could spend, invest, or use to get a cash discount from my doc.
    Damn to the ninth ring of hell everybody connected with this statist travesty.
    Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

  3. From Warren Meyer at Coyote Blog:
    "Everybody with half a brain is coming to California"

    -- Governor Jerry Brown

  4. They certainly did. Now if they'd just keep them there instead or forces them further west - 10 miles will do - instead of throwing them our way like a 2 year-old flings feces at a wall. -- Skyhawker, Doug

  5. M.D. = The new social worker

  6. Gadfly, that should be every one with half a brain or less.....


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