
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Creating Helter Skelter

   HELTER SKELTER  Provoking Racial Unrest                                    

Res Ipsa Loquitor

Prior to his arrest, Llaneza met with a man he thought was connected with the Taliban and the mujahidin in Afghanistan — though he was actually an undercover FBI agent. The terrorist suspect suggested carrying out an attack against a bank in the San Francisco Bay

“I think he wants people to snap. I think Obama is challenging everybody’s sanity,” Limbaugh said on his show Wednesday afternoon. “Obama [is] literally pushing people to snap, attacking the very sanity of the country.” 

Area using a car bomb. He planned to carry out the false flag attack and make it appear as if “the responsible party was an umbrella organization for a loose collection of anti-government militias and their sympathizers.”

“Llaneza’s stated goal was to trigger a governmental crackdown, which he expected would trigger a right-wing counter-response against the government followed by, he hoped, civil war,” the FBI release states.

Here's something else to worry about, in case you're not already Otraumatized.  In fact, it may already have happened.  Obama's declared war on the Second Amendment (as one example)  creates the danger of "True Believer" activity.  An already off-balance kid,  influenced by liberal activist teachers, sees an opportunity to be a martyr for the cause.  How?  Bring dad's gun to school and kill as many people as he can during school lunch hour.  He will believe that his action will provide the tipping point in the war against the radical Americans fighting der fuhrer's—erm—the president's initiatives.  And you KNOW that this president and his captive media would silently love it. 


  1. "It's days like today that make me wish they made a Flintstone's Chewable Morphine."

    I'm gonna have to remember that one.

  2. "Framing" non-leftists?

    There's a mulatto from Hawaii doing the same thing.

    But he is getting away with it.


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