Saturday, February 16, 2013

Guess Who Quit Smoking?

Res Ipsa Loquitur

Guess Who Quit Smoking Today?

As seen on TV




leelu said...!

Anonymous said...

And Teddy Kennedy quit drinking!

drew458 said...

There were loads of Chris Dorner jokes in the past two days, but they've pretty much burnt out by now.

Anonymous said...

Q. What is the difference between Dorner and Dorner jokes?

A. The jokes will get old.


DougM said...

I suspect he's now in a pro-smoking environment, though, 'fyanowutimean.

Alear said...

Heh, I immediately thought of all the times I quit smoking. The last time might be the last, going on 370 days now. I feel better, unlike Dorner, coz I know what DougM means.

bocopro said...

Hey, forget not, mes amis, that Whitney Houston has now been drug free for over one full year now.

Anonymous said...

Good going Alear !!!

It's been two years and one month for me (after the quad bypass) and I STILL miss 'em.

Hang in there.


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