
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Jumpin' Jennekes

Res Ipsa Loquitur

 Swim Suit Michelle

I wasn't excited about Michelle Jenneke making  SI's swim suit edition, and this is why.  Yes, she's pretty, but her attractiveness had everything to do with a fun personality that shone through in the hurdles event that made her famous. She  was everything girl next door, and that made her sexy, but still wholesome.  The Chive were able to able to capture those qualities; Sports Illustrated— meh.

Heads up from der SondraKy


  1. Ditto here, your Highness.

    ...much to our loss as a society.

    We don't need any more trollops.

  2. World's full'a pretty dolls.
    Michelle Jenneke because bounce, because grin, because fun.
    (What? Yeah, and 'cause most guys can imagine that she'd actually talk to us.)

  3. Yeah. that's the price of fame.

    Maybe she'll keep a good head on her shoulders, but I'm not optimistic now that she's on a pedestal.

    There's always denial and remembering her as she was.

  4. Sigh .. have your fun with her and divorce her.

  5. It's so weird that she isn't basing her career decisions on your excitement level.

    Fame is fleeting, and a girl's got to make a buck, Rodge.


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