
Monday, February 18, 2013

Unforgivable, and unforgiven

It's been fun Angelina Jolie girl, but after a rigorously brief overview of your profile, I wanted to let you know that I have already married and divorced you in my mind.  Thanks for all the imaginary memories ... you will always have a place in my heart.

Your ex,
The Real King of France

P.S. You keep the cats and kids, I'll keep the house in Staad. 


  1. Billy Bob put a stink on her that will never wash off.


  2. I always thought that her father, John Voight should have schlepped her off to the convent years ago. Too late.

  3. I've always thought Dewayne Johnson leaned to the right. This may warrant more research...

  4. Anon @ 9:38. The Rock was a Bush supporter in 2000 and 2004. I'm surprised too. This may be one of those give a little to this one to get your name on the "right" list and then donate more to the other. Companies play that game all the time.

    Rodger, Ms. Jolie accepted a "title only" ambassador position for George W Bush. She can't be all that bad. Go ahead and make up!

  5. No excuse ever for voting Obama, and she's a premature orgasmner

  6. Generally speaking, not everyone that saluted Hitler's train as it passed through town was a supporter but did so out of self preservation. Most of these salute this dictator out of ignorance and fashion.

  7. It is truly sad when morons can influence a socitey so much. Some people actually change or mold their thoughts based upon celebrities. I see names in the list that truly disappoint me but, not surprise me. I cannot totally boycott Hollywood because I need to be entertained - just cannot take the shit at work and the news without some entertainment. I am so disgusted by the media's cocksucking loyalty to this dictator and NOBODY but Foxnews even tries - I mean really tries to stop it. Even they have been infiltrated by the commie-loving reds - Ed Henry is an example. Why did Major Garrett defect to CBS??? Was this a money move or is he also a flaming lib assmunch?


  8. society.....damn spell check didn't work!


  9. Boazo is in trouble with his life! please help me! Thor, or josh W will validate or Rodger C@C John Kuntz Please help

  10. But that's what I am saying Rodger, maybe she didn't vote for him. Maybe just mouthed some words and dropped a couple bucks in his tip jar to shut up the libs and then voted libertarian... It's possible. And since I like AJ, I'm going to keep that fantasy.

  11. I'll call you, Have't forgotten about you


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