
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Oh My


  1. Sooo …
    religion evolves?

    (sorry, couldn't resist :•)

  2. True, except for the one straight line from 1AD to today with all the others branching off. If the one He originally founded wasn't the right one, than none of the come-lately's are either.

    - Catholic and proud of it

  3. If you think Christianity is a religion then you don't get it.

    I Protest! I'm not proud of it it's just the way it is.

  4. Emil Nytraht8/20/13, 5:15 PM

    If I was god and I had at my disposal an infinite number of monkeys using an infinite number of typewriters (word processors), I could cause a better religion to be written, than anything in existence in the world today.
    As a non religious person, I still believe that Christianity came closest, but an all knowing being would have done better...... Surely the worlds religions were created by humans...unless god was seeking chaos.
    Why am I even discussing this anyway... The universe is unending there is no big, no small, no beginning, no end, and therefore nothing is real.

  5. "I still believe that Christianity came closest, but an all knowing being would have done better"

    You wouldn't think so if you were not confusing the messengers with the Message. I'm going to blame Bush for that...not you.

  6. Emil Nytraht8/20/13, 7:37 PM

    One of the nice things one can say about Christianity is that it evolved. The "old time religion" that it started out as was just about as rigid and blood spilling as Islam. It would actually take the original Christianity to be strong and militaristically dogmatic enough to withstand the coming overwhelming by Mohammedanism. If I seem pessimistic it's because I am. Islam and Christianity (and all religions) are basically political systems and Islam is totalitarian enough that to combat it would require it's adversary to be equally stern. Current Christianity is far to peaceful for the job. That "old time religion" is called for. The "I and only I am correct in my faith and all others are pagans and should be exterminated. Isn't this what the muzlims believe and are working toward.
    Turning the other cheek is NOT going to get the problem solved and I consider and open door policy to them as "turning the other cheek". Only a nations of complete idiots would allow the bearers of destruction into their midst.
    On a brighter note: Looks like the Global Warming Assholes were completely full of shit!



  8. "- Catholic and proud of it
    # posted by Anonymous:"


  9. The interesting experiment that could be done with this cartoon is:

    1. Retitle the diagram as "Evangalistic /Expansionist Religions"

    2. Circle a point upstream of the point indicated about 4 branches back and label it "Muhammedan 'Revelation'".

    3. Find a safe room.

  10. DougM,

    That clip captures it very nicely.

  11. ^ Yep,
    that's why I had to make sure that RetRsvMike's exxxxcellent cultural ref. didn't get missed.

  12. re: Teh Catholic Church

    Yeah, I'm sure that if Jesus came back to Earth today, he'd look at the Catholic Church and say, "YES!! That's JUST how I intended it!"




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