
Thursday, August 08, 2013

Code Pink - Again

CoDE pINK aLert

Res Ipsa Loquitor

Falsehood, like poison, will generally be rejected when administered alone; but when blended with wholesome ingredients, may be swallowed unperceived —Richard Whately

Dear Friend,

Almost 12 years ago when our government was beating the drums of war, we declared CODEPINK for peace. Today, that same fear is continuously instilled in us, with new terrorist threats surfacing, citizens constantly being surveilled, embassies closing around the world, and more innocent civilians being slaughtered by US drone strikes-- all in the name of national security. Here at CODEPINK we’ve come up with a list of 10 ways to break the cycle of fear and war:

1. Declare a moratorium on drone strikes.
2. Close the US drone base in Saudi Arabia.
3. Free the 86 Guantanamo prisoners cleared for release.
4. Apologize and compensate innocent victims of US attacks.
5. Go for the “zero option” in Afghanistan: withdraw all US troops.
6. Pursue diplomacy.
7. Stop supporting dictatorships and repressive militaries.
8. Support non-violent civil society movements.
9. Adhere to the international rule of law.
10. Spend foreign aid money on education, healthcare and lifting people out of poverty

I'm sort of grateful that I am still able to be astounded by the depth and breadth of Demobomunist  mendacity and calumniations. I can still take a punch.

 It's hard knowing when to stop though, isn't it?  I mean, eventually you'll always tip your hand about being  mindless, useful idiots


  1. I see no reason not to beat them with sticks larger than my thumb but smaller than a baseball bat.

  2. Skanks Malodorous Emissions Garnishing Musky Apertures

  3. I was, of course, thinking of when they were all dressed up as enormous snatches.

  4. Is that quartet of Bitches part of the Westboro Baptist Church? Inquiring minds want to know.


  5. Unlikely since most of those women are you know...sexually confused. I was going to say rug munchers but that's gross.

  6. 11. Spend foreign aid money on a fresh herd of unicorns


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