
Thursday, August 29, 2013


Res Ipsa Loquitor
my 4 yr old daughter asked me "would you like to play legos with me?" and i answered "i would love to". and she said "no i don't think you do because SHE is taking them away from me." apparently she  had been acting up and her mother decided she was going to lose some toys for a few days. her kids dictionary doesn't have the word "entrapment" in it. time to pull out my unabridged. she asked if i could take a pic of her and her "lost toys".


  1. Same one with the great crayons quote?
    From her statement I would guess Mommy has it right on!
    Your photo was the evidence she needs for blackmail. :D

  2. ooops, not your family. But still very sweet.

  3. She went to get shots yesterday for pre-K school. What my daughter didn't realize was there were four of them. After the last little missy got up and said "Okay, that's it. I do not like these nurses anymore. When I came in here I was brave, but they sucked it all out of me!"

  4. omg! She's a real pistol! LOL
    Her statements are a real indication of intelligence through the familial generation, eh?

  5. You don't have a chance. You might as well give her durable power of attorney, and wait for the money to come rolling in.

    Just don't give her medical power of attorney. That can lead to a short life span.

  6. What Jess said. Very funny, so watch out. lol


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