
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Hey Bro, Who Hangin?

Family Ties
Obama’s brother: Muslim Brotherhood leader?

Speaking yesterday on Bitna al-Kibir, a live TV show, Tahani al-Gebali, Vice
Res Ipsa LoquitorPresident of the Supreme Constitutional Court in Egypt, said the time was nearing when all the conspiracies against Egypt would be exposed—conspiracies explaining why the Obama administration is so vehemently supportive of the Muslim Brotherhood, whose terrorism has, among other atrocities, caused the destruction of some 80 Christian churches in less than one week. [Jihad Watch]

Since Obama played a pivotal role in the Muslim coup to begin with, this would make perfect sense.  Obama is after all a control freak, and who better to be your coordinator than your own brother? 


  1. Emil Nytraht AKA JMcD8/20/13, 11:48 PM

    I remember someone, before the first election, proclaiming Obungle to be a "stealth Muzlim".........Oh wait...that was me.....

  2. Oh dang!...I meant to say "stealth muslin"....... B.O. ALWAYS is Pro-Muslin.
    He always uses muslin over cheesecloth when straining his whey from his curds....and...he's sneaky about it.
    Joe Biden and Chrisp Matthews say you haven't lived til you've had a bowl of Obama's steaming curds.


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