
Monday, August 26, 2013

Horowitz Has It All

What's the Worry; What's the Fuss
Horowitz's Laid it Out For You US

Res Ipsa Loquitor
* Barack The Beloved
* Obama's Socialist Roots And Worldview
* Living Like Royalty, Perpetually Fundraising
* Deriding America On The World Stage (“Apology Tour”)
* Obama And Israel
* Obama The Divider
* Dividing Americans By Class
* Dividing Americans By Race & Ethnicity
* Dividing Americans By Gender
* Key Obama Appointees: Reflecting the President's Radicalism
* The Dreadful Economy
* Obama And Taxes
* Obama And Health Care
* Obama And Energy / Environment
* Obama And Homeland Security / War On Terror
* Killing Osama Bin Laden
* Obama And The Military
* Obama And Immigration
* Obama And Welfare Policy
* Obama And The Constitution / Supreme Court
* Obama And Abortion
* Obama And Education
* Obama and Gun Rights
* Obama And ACORN: A Corrupt, Unholy Alliance
* Obama And The Policies That Led To The Housing And Economic Crisis
* The “Fast & Furious” Gun Scandal
* Obama And Iran
* Obama And Egypt
* Obama And Libya (Including The September 11, 2012 Terror Attack)
* Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood
* Obama and Jihad: Appeasement & Denial
I am famously reticent to make outrageous claims, or sling bombastic superlatives around; but let me here make an exception. 

Of all the trillions of words writ about (along with the Bill Clintons)  the greatest specter of evil in all American history
Barry Obama Soetoronone are so well researched, faultless,  and complete as those found in  David Horowitz's Discover the Networks..

Horowitz needs no introduction here.  Never in the history of the internet have any of his articles contained even one statement that is found to be nonfactual.  I am not making that up. So faultless and revealing are his disclosures that one in tempted to give him
Star Chamber  powers to clean this nation of it's cancer.

Here is an example of what you'll find in his

Is Barack Obama a socialist? Many observers, from points all along the ideological spectrum, have been exceedingly reticent to describe him as such, as though there were insufficient evidence to make the case for a charge so impolite.

  • In February 2012, a Business Week headline stated bluntly that “it’s dumb to call Obama a socialist.”
  • In June 2012, the Associated Press published an article depicting the president merely as “a pragmatist within the Democratic Party mainstream,” and suggesting that “the persistent claim that Obama is a socialist lacks credence.”
  • In July 2012, a New York Times op-ed piece by film director Milos Forman said that Obama is “not even close” to being a socialist.
  • Ezra Klein of the Washington Post casts Obama as no more radical than “a moderate Republican of the early 1990s.”
  • Leftist commentator Alan Colmes impugns those who “mischaracterize what Obama is doing as socialism, when there’s no government takeover” of the private sector.
  • And Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly—noting that he has seen “no evidence that the president wants to seize private property, which is what communists do”—concludes that Obama “is not a socialist, he’s not a communist, he’s a social-justice anti-capitalist.”
Now that congress seem to have finally decided that this man has crossed the threshold for impeachment, there is no need to hold endless hearings on the matter.  Impeachment managers need only enter "ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW" into evidence, and get on with the vote. 

You're welcome.


  1. Emil Nytraht8/26/13, 9:44 AM

    OBungle is certainly a socialist, I say Communist. Those quoted above are probably a mix of socialists and communists, except for Bill O'Reilly, who's evidently a somnambulist.

  2. "Now that congress seem to have finally decided that this man has crossed the threshold for impeachment...".

    Oh, REALLY?!

    Proof, please? Names? Speeches? Dates?

    It can't - and probably for the best - shouldn't happen until Republicans take over the Senate after the 2014 elections, so impeachment AND REMOVAL FROM OFFICE can occur in an orderly manner.

  3. You must be confusing me with Glenn Reynolds

  4. Horowitz and Radosh savaged Diane West over her book and series of articles in Breitbart. Her thesis is that Soviet agents in important positions in the FDR administration made important decisions in America's WW2 effort on behalf of the Soviets. I would trust West, whose reporting I have followed for years, far more than Radosh and Horowitz, who spent years doing as much damage to America as they possibly could.

  5. I read Horowitz's book about him growing up as a red diaper baby. Very interesting stuff and he's a smart guy but like all former left wing cokesuckers some of that liberal minded stuff never goes away. I'd say he's trustworthy but like anyone else who's paid to talk or write opinions it's best to have a little knowledge of the subjects yourself.

  6. " thesis is that Soviet agents in important positions in the FDR administration ... "

    .... is not a thesis. It's hard wired history and been known for several years. Harry Hopkins was a Soviet agent for chrisake.

  7. You and me both, Raja. Now what's Horowitz and Radosh's problem with it?

  8. Horowitz explains in his usual methodical fashion.

    I haven't read West, am not a historian so I don't have an opinion other than what I said before.


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