
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Karen Finney Drowning

Where do MSNBC find these people?

Res Ipsa Loquitor

This is just TOO precious.  I just commented about the Democrat Party's long association with the Communist party, and look what pops up. HUGH HEWITT interviews Karen Finney, long time voice of the Democratic National Committee, now the host of a weekend show on MSNBC, 

 HH: Karen, welcome, good to have you on, thank you for coming. Now I caught some of your show this weekend. I want to play the intro to your segment about Ted Cruz.

 FINNEY AUDIO: In case you haven’t heard, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is a man on a mission. He wants to take away your health care, even if that means bringing down our government, or a war within the GOP. But Cruz’ rhetoric isn’t just detrimental to his party. It’s contributing to a broader environment of paranoia that could have very real consequences for our democracy. The fear stoking is reminiscent of another Senator, a man from Wisconsin on his own mission. He also wanted to take his country back. Then, it was from the Communists who had supposedly infiltrated it. His name, of course? Joe McCarthy. And while Cruz’ mission this time around might be different, the rhetoric sounds eerily the same.

 HH: Now Karen Finney, a couple of questions.

 KF: Sure.

 HH: Number one, when you said about Joe McCarthy he wanted to take it back from the Communists who had supposedly infiltrated, did any Communists infiltrate the United States government?

 KF: Well, I think if we go back to the McCarthy hearings, it’s pretty clear that he A) created, you know, a culture of paranoia and fear that people later recognized was, you know, people sort of bought into it, and then recognized that it was absolutely misplace. I mean, that’s the point.

 HH: But Karen, did any Communists infiltrate our government?

 KF: Please, go ahead and name them.

 HH: Well, can you name them? I’m trying to figure out if you know if any of them did?

 KF: Here’s the point. No, there weren’t Communists who infiltrated our government. I mean, that’s like Michele Bachmann accusing my friend, Huma Abedin, of actually being Muslim Brotherhood, because…

HH: No, actually, it’s not.

 KF: …she may have known somebody ..... .

Here's the transcript; it's a fast read, and a hoot.  (Finney gets so twisted up in her panties that she doesn't know if she's talking or farting)  Or, here's the full audio

Finney's too young to have witnessed the history, but so what?  It's why she went to school, right? What?  You say that, in 2001 New York University launched a Web site dedicated to the proposition that the late Alger Hiss was innocent. The Venona Files be damned!  Oh my.  I'm not even sure that Nation Magazine have ever conceded.  This insistence that they are never wrong is the hallmark of Liberalism, and now, the Democrat Party.


  1. The seminal work on this subject is William F. Buckley and L. Brent Bozell's book, McCarthy and His Enemies. They document hundreds of the card carrying types within the Dept of State, not the least of which was Alger Hiss. Few remember that Hiss was Truman's senior man from State at Yalta, so when Harry was telling Uncle Joe about "The Bomb", Uncle Joe already knew.

  2. I am convinced the only reason our media celebrate WWII (in particular the ETO, where no charges of racism have been leveled) is because Stalin's Communism was in the balance. We have been in no war since where there was popular support from the left.

  3. Rodger,

    I love you and your blog but it is "Where DOES MSNBC get these people"

    Please don't punish me.

  4. No, as I previously explained, I follow the Brit custom of treating corporations as plural, as in "General Motors have gone belly-up, or " "Ford are introducing a new car". Blame Top Gear, but it does make better sense.

  5. Leonard Jones8/28/13, 6:41 PM

    The innocence of Alger Hiss is an
    article of faith in the religion of
    radical leftism. If a liberal ever
    admits that Hiss was guilty, it would prove McCarthy right.

    Hewitt must have asked her that
    question a dozen times and she
    refused to answer it. McCarthy was
    right, KGB operatives were infest-
    ing the state department like cock-
    roaches in an inner city crack

  6. "Where do MSNBC find these people?"

    More to the point: "Why is it so easy to find them, and employ them?"

  7. Yep. All English rules I learned in my ancient life have changed. sigh
    Trying to keep up with the modern.

  8. Trying to keep up with "modern Engrish" is like trying to keep up with the Democrat Party. I didn't leave those sorry bastidges; they left me!

  9. Kim Jong Un has ex-girlfriend, 12 famous performers executed by machine-gun firing squad... Drudge communism and despotic rule does have its upsides.

  10. Dear KF,
    Did you train with Debbie Blabbermouth...uhhh... Wassermann Schultz? To your credit, like Debbie, you can parrot a few talking points, but I mean, like, you know, you're, like, you know, almost as as big a lying, equivocating, pea-brained cunt as she is.
    Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

  11. If she had just a little more snap, Subway would have allowed her to make sandwiches.

    So that answers your question.


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