
Thursday, August 08, 2013

King Corrn

Fields of Dreams

 When Ian Cheney and his best friend Curt Ellis graduated from college they thought they were done with professors and they supposed to feel like they had their whole lives ahead of them, but they just heard some rather disconcerting news. Some day they were going to die, and maybe sooner than they thought. For the first time in American history their generation was at risk of having a shorter lifespan than their parents. And it was because of what they ate. (Full into)

I'm surprised I watched this 90 minute documentary.  Didn't plan on watching more than enough to get pissed off by whiny moralizers.  But the two dudes are highly likable, and their film is, well, more or less a film about other Res Ipsa Loquitorlikable people in Iowa and Colorado.  In other words, a fun indulgence, and kind of nostalgic.  Have you ever run through rows of corn?  You know that semll of green and dirt?  I smelled it.

I'm not going to jump on any bandwagons here about farming, or farm subsidies, or diet—although I did learn some surprising things about them.  No, if I was gonna go on a crusade, I'd be talking about about Monsanto Chemical here. 

Anyway, I don't even have a bitch about corn subsidies, which because of Agriculture Sec. Earl Butz went from us paying farmers for not growing anything, to enticing them to grow as much as possible.  Yes, the farmers still make out because of gummint subsidies,  which is why they continue.  But corn is the cornerstone to a giant American manufacturing economy, and I'm for that (even if I don't like some of what it's used for). 

Anyway, I done led you to water, er corn field.  Cob is in your court.  You're welcome.


  1. Watched all of it. Impression? I´m now just a bit more depressed than I was before I clicked start.

  2. Permalinked for when I have time. Hope I have Hooker's experience. Already depressed with current events.

  3. We watched it tonight, on your recommendation. As usual, cuz' you steered us right! Thanks

    Cuzzin Rick

  4. what? it's the way things are.

    you want cheap food? this is how you get it.


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