
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Noam Chomsky and Howard Dean embrace Palin?

Oh My

First Howard Dean and now Noam Chomsky agreeing with Sarah Palin?

Res Ipsa Loquitor

  In an interview with Democracy Now, the influential MIT linguistics professor, author, and prominent left-wing political activist admitted that Sarah Palin was right about Barack Obama in that there was no substance to his presidential campaign. Palin also recently received validation from former Gov. Howard Dean, a prominent liberal Democrat, about what she termed Obamacare death panels, otherwise known as the Independent Payment Advisory Board.

Have I fallen through thre wormhole, back  into the United States?


  1. I want a signed copy of that ripped-off and photoshopped MASTERPIECE!

  2. I want a rollover.

  3. Emil Nytraht8/23/13, 4:02 AM

    That's what Barney keeps telling all the boy interns.


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