
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Stopping to smell the flowers

Oh My


  1. You should always stop to enjoy the beauty that surrounds us.

    I was shopping for groceries today when a slim, tall, attractive young lady bend forward to search for something on the shelf in front of her.

    Her very low cut top gave me a gander of everything. No bra and she clearly didn't need it with her upturned, shapely breasts reaching for the sky in defiance of all the laws of gravitation.

    Silly man that I am, I was completely captivated.

  2. He wants to throw himself into that volcano.
    Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

  3. Emil Nytraht8/29/13, 4:35 PM

    Twin Peeks

  4. She'll probably see this picture and sue the guy for sexual herassment or something. Bitch.

  5. sleeping giant8/29/13, 10:57 PM

    ready the harpoon, matey


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