
Friday, August 02, 2013

The Fixer

Res Ipsa Loquitor

Washington has been abuzz for months over the fear and loathing that Congressional staffers have for Obamacare. Many staffers and employees on Capitol Hill have been saying they'll have to quit Washington if they are forced into Obamacare. Now the President is promising to fix it all for them.

Any comment I could make here would be coals to Newcastle.


  1. Could you post something about the IRS head guy asking for a waiver for the people who will be in charge of checking your records and determining the amount of 'tax' you will have to pay for Obamacare?
    They are forcing you to eat their 'dogfood' while at the same time asking they not be included with the masses.
    Some chutzpa, no? I suggest their request be honored with some festivities, rail, tar, feathers, some assembly required...


  2. It just keeps giving. Apparently a lot of businesses went to part time workers trying to avoid the requirement's of Obamacare. It's like trying to hit a moving target, now the word is out that the Obamanites are going to compute on the total hours the business works. Mean whine back at the raunch..

  3. Wonder'f the goats that'll be cleaning up the "historic grave sites" ,as brand new Federal employees and all, will be able to avoid Obominalcare?

    Best comment I've seen on this new plan:
    "And...they can double as a Muslim dating service".

  4. ..they'll have to quit Washington if they are forced into Obamacare.
    Staffers wrote the ^&$#%^#% bill, not the Congressmen. Let the statist slimes sleep in the bed they shat in, the filthy ratbastards. Congresscritters come and go, but DC professional staffs shuttle from one gravy boat to another around the hill, and junior staffers hope to move up the pecking order there so they get the gravy too.
    Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick


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