
Monday, August 05, 2013

The Lurking E-Verify Monster

Think Government Is Intrusive Now? Wait Until E-Verify Kicks In
There's a monster lurking in proposed immigration reform, one that bureaucrats will find irresistible.

Res Ipsa Loquitor

Next, E-Verify will be attractive as a way to enforce hundreds of other employment laws and regulations. In the age of big data, the government can easily E-Verify age, union
E-Verify is the real monster. If this part of the bill passes, all employers will be forced to use the government-run, Web-based system that checks potential employees' immigration status. That means, every American will have to obtain the federal government's prior approval in order to earn a living.
membership, education, employment history, and whether you've paid income taxes and signed up for health insurance.

The members of licensed occupations will love such low-cost enforcement of their cartels: We can't let unlicensed manicurists prey on unsuspecting customers, can we? E-Verify them! And while the government screens employee applications, they can also check on employers' compliance with all sorts of regulations by looking at the job applications they submit for verification.

For the umpteenth time, does anyone out there see anyway short of  revoltion  whereby we can restore our freedoms, or future promise?  Or, was the Unabomber right, the technical revoution is the death of freedom? 


  1. I'm confused: Is it good or bad to hire illegals?

  2. As one might expect the law may have little to do with the advertised reasons for enacting it. Note where the Patriot Act has placed you. Now you're on the list. So many lists. A few more surely can't make any difference, can it?

  3. Laffin at the 'stache here,Boss.


  4. Wouldn't it be easier to keep the illegals out in the first place?

    Crap like this makes me glad I'm no longer employed.

  5. Robert M. Mitchell Jr.8/6/13, 11:58 AM

    Heck, Rickn8or, the Soviets couldn't keep people out of Berlin, and they were willing to shoot to kill. Why would you think we can keep the "illegals" out, knowing that any of our "border guards" will get the full Zimmerman the moment the gun looks like it's pointing at someone?

  6. "I'm confused: Is it good or bad to hire illegals?"

    Well according to Annie George, if they do windows and other household chores, just enslave them.

  7. If it works as well as that outfit that did the background check on Snowden -- what then?



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