
Monday, August 05, 2013

Traditions Change

Obama is wrong. Traditional journalism isn’t dead.

Res Ipsa Loquitor

  Obama is wrong. Traditional journalism isn’t dead.
By Danny Hayes, Washington Post ,Published: August 4 at 1:45 pm

Poli-Sci Perspective is a weekly Wonkblog feature in which Georgetown University’s Dan Hopkins and George Washington University’s Danny Hayes and John Sides offer an empirical perspective on the issues dominating Washington. In this edition, Hayes looks at President Obama’s assertion that traditional journalism is dead, and finds it wanting. For past posts in the series, head here.

Blah-Blah-Self-Serving Blah ....

Correction: This post originally stated that Obama said “traditional journalism is dead” in his interview with Amazon. That was incorrect.

Now that's become traditional...



  1. Speaking of pansy, Drudge nailed it this morning, showing Pansy Nation, (based off of pansy leadership).

  2. Steve in Greensboro8/5/13, 4:05 PM

    If traditional journalism isn't dead, somebody needs to explain why it smells like it does.

  3. Somebody cut the Oltermanni.....or is that Olbermann I smell?
    Wshew!....Way to go Keith!


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