
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Turds ahead Cap'n

In the Democrat-held Senate McCain is the ‘model prisoner’

  It is now clear that Sen. John S. McCain III (R.-Ariz.) has completed his transition from being the Senate’s “maverick” to becoming the upper body’s model prisoner.

McCain was livid. He was so livid that the next morning he and Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R.-S.C.) came to the floor to denounce Paul and the other senators in the filibuster as “whacko birds.”
It is not just that McCain is a snitch, running to the press or the Senate floor, whenever a rebellious conservative disturbs the good order and discipline of upper chamber. The son and grandson of Navy admirals now meets in secret with the warden, Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-Nev.), to cook up new ways to undermine and thwart conservatives.

McCain was always a sketchy character. But, what really turned him into the warden’s pet was the worldwide phenomenon of Sen. Randall H. Paul (R-Ky.) filibustering the on the Senate floor from just before lunch March 6 until 12:30 a.m., the next morning. [

Nobody expects different behavior from McCain, so he's pretty much just another turd in the alley.  But. The more I think about it, the more I'm inclined to believe that McCain picked Sarah Palin because he knew he was going to lose, and wanted a weak VP on the ticket he could blame.  Instead, picking Palin may be remembered as his only accomplishment, or  noble thing the man did in his entire public life.


  1. Emil Nytraht8/22/13, 8:18 PM

    Uh....McCain and Graham are blowing each other, right?
    Joking?....Nope...I'm not joking.

  2. Where are the Viet Cong when you need them? Oh yea, repairing cars and doing nails. Never mind.

  3. Emil Nytraht8/22/13, 9:04 PM

    Sorry bout that..... I was "off" on that comment....Off by one. Actually it's a triangle, three-way daisy chain. Includes his Lordship of the M.B., Barrance.

  4. I liked the idea that if the Republicans get control of the Senate McCain would not get any recognition for his seniority and be kept off out of any important panels as a punishment for being such a tool.


  5. If the repubics ever do gain control of the Senate, "Mitch da Bitch" isn't going to be too much better. The dirtbag went MIA during the entire immigration debate, until it was safe to pop his head up, just in time to vote "no".

    Just returned from a trip to KY. Mitch da Bitch has a primary challenge from Matt Bevin. The attack ads are brutal against Bevin.


  6. What toadold said. Pleeezzz

    What Geo wrote about brutal ads reminds me of the Romney campaign and a good reason he lost. His vicious attacks against his Republican contenders were never used against his actual enemy Barack "Rosebud" Obama. He went completely limp. Stupid.

  7. To slightly twist the words of Agent Smith in Die Hard, just like Hanoi, right slick?


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