
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

UN Office for Disarmament Affairs

Tails of the Gun  

"Disarmament Commission -- Civilian Weapons Confiscation Study Group."

Res Ipsa Loquitor

United Nations document shared on social media says civilian gun confiscation is in the works for United States
  1. A reader sent us this document, which appears to be from the United Nations. But is it legit? [Lunatic Outpost]
  2. When we checked with the United Nations, a spokesman (Farhan Haq, associate spokesperson for the Secretary-General)  declared it a fake, with this explanation.[Ibid]
The reason I checked it out was not because I thought it too outlandish to be true, but because I am leary of text documents sent .jpg.  However—
  •  There is a UN Office for Disarmament Affairs.
  • In June the imperious  John Kerry said  "US will sign UN treaty on arms regulation despite lawmaker opposition."
  • On July 27 Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the United States of America is expected to sign
Res Ipsa Loquitor
Even if the "Civilian Study Group" missile is a fake, the threat that the UN, with Obamunist support, if not urging, are willing to enter into a confiscation agreement is manifestly real.  And may I remind you of your  solemn oath:

Fully 70% agreed  to treat any blue helmet on US soil , acting in any capacity  whatever that assumed dominion over any US citizen, be summarily treated like Nazis landed by submarine on U.S, shores. Ahem.
    On July 27 Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, acting on behalf of the United States of America is expected to sign - See more at:

Aside: I have suspected before that phony documents (Obama Birth)  have been passed into a public debate for the purpose of being used as an umbrella example of how an entire premise is contrived by  crazy [birthers] right wing nuts.  Just sayin'.


  1. --------------------
    If the subject comes up with your liberal 'friends' be sure to remind them that the UN is the same organization whose 'peacekeepers' were trading sex for food with 8 year old children.



  2. Add a Sec. General who took millions from Saddam to do his bidding,

    According to its Charter, the UN was created to impose a global government on all nations either through peace or through force, when necessary.

    FDR communists like Harry Dexter White and Dean Acheson contrived with socialist John Maynard Keynes in the creation of the UN's International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

    If the UN disappeared tomorrow, it would be second as a reason for national celebration only to Obama being deported.

  3. Roger, let's depose him first and then deport him.

  4. Roger, let's depose him first, then imprison him for a multitude of high crimes and misdemeanors and then deport him.
    Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

  5. LTCGT Dick - could we possibly get a 1st degree murder conviction on him for Benghazi. That would a) cover a multitude of sins, b) open up new (and legal) avenues of action.

    Just sayin'...

  6. nah, he's a "Prince;" 2nd or 3rd degree maybe,; reckless homicide for sure.


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