
Sunday, September 08, 2013

A Man for All Reasons- for failure

PRUDEN: A legacy for Barack Obama

Res Ipsa Loquitor

A war nobody believes in, led by a man nobody trusts. If Barack Obama is still looking for a legacy, here it is. Everything about the Syrian dilemma stinks.

Bashar Assad is recognized by nearly everybody as the source of at least half the stink. But only half. The rest of the stench is supplied by the rebels. It’s tempting to suggest that Mr. Obama, who yearns for applause, deserves the dilemma.


If the president loses the vote, his credibility will be lost for sure and for good, but so will the credibility of the United States. For better or worse, the credibility of the president, any president, and the credibility of the nation are bound together. That’s what makes this dilemma particularly and spectacularly bad. This one may be a hold-your-nose vote to give Barack Obama his legacy.

Wesley Pruden is editor emeritus of The Washington Times.

Pruden's argument is, as always, compelling, sagacious, and USA!  It's also Old World Order.  The last two Democrat presidents were elected and reelected after synchronized syndication of messages, and suppression of facts by dominate media.  Obama is a farce, and the sooner he is removed, the better. While our constitutional model of government is still the best yet devised,  it has been badly damaged and requires a complete overhaul—and clearing of decks.  The US will, in the aftermath, have to re-earn international respectful fear and grudging admiration. Or continue on the track we're on.  In either case, the numbers of casualties will be pretty much constant, but not identical.

As I see it. 


  1. The credibility of the US was lost on November 6, 2012. The rest of the world realized that 0bama had fooled everyone; they blamed him and gave the American people the benefit of the doubt. But when we reelected him, the entire country lost credibility. And it's just going to get worse from here on out.

  2. Look how much Clinton joining the muslim side in Serbia raised our stature in the world !

  3. The old saw, "Two wrongs do not make a right." seems applicable to me.
    It was wrong to vote him into office, it was wrong of him to state policy, "red line", that he would not enforce, and now it is wrong to support him in either a 1)spiteful waste of a few cruise missiles on dubious targets or 2) going full boat, and destroying the Syrian military. OR 3)providing weapons to the MB.
    Two or three or more wrongs will never right this poltroon's yawpings. Trying to correct his feckless mistakes will only make things worse, and it will encourage MORE behavior by the punk in the WH to waggle his yap, spewing lie after lie.


    Stop now. Don't let him get away with it, as the cost to the office has already been to dear, and adding more blood, tears and treasure will only make the butchers bill higher to no end.
    NOTHING he will do will improve his reputation or restore belief in the USA. He's destroyed it for as long as he is in office. To say otherwise, IMO, is untruthful.
    At this point, what difference does it make???



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