
Thursday, September 05, 2013

Democrats & War? Guaranteed Disaster

Oh My

I predict that it will be pulled from You Tube -- cuzzin ricky


  1. We need to get this word spread. They are no better than those they kill.


  2. Can I get fries with that? This is what they do, have always done and we've known it for years. It's up to the military to take a stand against the political black hats. They've got the guns and bullets. Ballots ain't gonna cut it.

  3. "Mad Max" and "The Man Who Would Be King" was not an entertainment, it was a warning. Future historians will draw parallels between us and the Romans vs. the barbarians.

  4. One of my "I like you too much to discuss politics with you" friends sent me this video via CNN last night. I'm starting to get a glimmer of hope that we may be able to avoid this.


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