
Tuesday, September 03, 2013

GOP Machination

Res Ipsa Loquitor

We reported that staff within the Republican National Committee are working to re-impose it, outside the public eye.   ... The RNC officially and vehemently denied. But. We’ve also tracked the statements of elected Republicans including Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, and the activities of their lobbyists and staffs. Sensenbrenner is under the influence of a long-time former staffer who is currently lobbying for the far-left ACLU.

What a red herring. Voter ID is not about voter “suppression.” What, specifically, do Sensenbrenner, Cantor, Boehner and Priebus want imposed? What do they regard as “voter suppression”? They should lay their cards out on the table.
The specific laws that Democrats like Williams want to use the Voting Rights Act to undo now are laws mandating photo ID at the voting booth — which Sensenbrenner claims to support. And, which heavy majorities of the American people support. And, which have been shown to increase minority voter turnout. Voter ID is sensible and especially critical in the border states, where vote brokering, identity theft and fraud are all too easy for even non-citizens to perpetrate.

So if voter ID isn’t Sensenbrenner’s motivation for seeking to put several southern states back under federal receivership when they make even minute changes to voting regulations and laws, then what is? Why does the Wisconsin Republican believe that the “full power” of the Voting Rights Act is still necessary in the south? He should step out and explain publicly what he intends to do and why, and to which specific states. [Full Wonderment]

I don't walk into this believing the Democrat and Republican parties have been whipsawing the voting public in tandem for the past 50 years,  but I'm getting there.  If PJ Media are right about this, it explains a lot.  Like why the GOP treated Sarah Palin with hostility after she jump started McCain's campaign, and actually threatened to win.  We were punk'd.


  1. It seems pretty clear to me. Whatever the Filthy Left wants the Filthy Left gets. They CAN NOT DO THIS ALONE.'s perfectly clear to anyone by now...they are not alone. That's why my Plan A is all that's mean all that's right.

    Also, I've been waiting for the right time to ax the vets around here what they think of the Marines that are posting those (some call) treasonous " F.You Obama,I didn't sign up to fight for the head choppers" photos on the social pages. Personally I think it's making my Plan A look like something reasonable and attractive.

  2. iri - The Syrian Army hacked a Marine website; those pics were photoshopped.
    Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

  3. Uh, wood on wood.
    "You been tricked Joke."

  4. Here you go Dick.

  5. Oh, I see the other story about the Syrian Electronic Army claiming responsibility. But, why would they bust their own operation? On the other hand those guys do look a little pasty to be real US Marines. Still?


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