
Wednesday, September 04, 2013

John Farking Kerry,Massive Liar

John Farking Kerry Agonistes
Res Ipsa Loquitor

'When I Was 27 I Had Similar Feelings'

Democrats have no soul; no sense of right and wrong.  Their priorities are Party, Self, and sometimes Family, and when convenient, Nationin that order.  They have for more than 50 years had what amounts to an ecclesiastical sinecure where there is no political cost for being caught committing felony acts.  They can simply pretend it didn't happen, with no fear of media reprisal.  The latest example is John Farking Kerry blithely referring to  his 1971 appearance before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee where he lied, perjured,  and sponsored testimony from other liars and perjurers who trashed American servicemen in Vietnam.  He is a despicable man. 


  1. But as long as a Lib portrays the attitude (altitude-your pick) of being an intellect, their words must be determined worthy; and thus, they are truth tellers.

    After all, the ARE the smartest people in every room. *spit*

  2. Under my Plan A Kerry and Fonda hang side by side on the same tree.


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