
Monday, September 02, 2013

Let's Get Rid of Him This Time Dammit!

Res Ipsa Loquitor

  Items highlighted by Tea Partiers include:
  • Graham’s support of providing weapons to “Al Quaeda / Muslim Brotherhood Revolutionaries in Syria,”
  • how Graham “[s]upported amnesty but not border control,”
  • how he supported
  • “NSA spying on private American citizens,”
  • “abridging the First Amendment for those who criticize the government,”
  • “restrictions on the Second Amendment,”“Obama's drone program againstAmerican citizens,”
  • “subordinating American sovereignty to the United Nations,”
  • “giving foreign aid to terrorist governments in the Middle East,”
  •  “granting members of the Muslim Brotherhood high level positions in the US government,”
  • “giving taxpayer money to international organizations,”
  • “giving taxpayer money for excessive foreign aid generally, not just to terrorist governments in the Middle East,”
  • “restricting the First Amendment rights to criticize Islamic radicalism,”
  • “Obama's radical appointments to the Supreme Court,”
  • “liberal proposal to nationalize banks,”
  • “Obama's energy taxes and Cap and Trade,”
  • “bailouts for financial institutions (TARP),”
  • and “bailouts for independent mortgage institutions (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac).”
Other points include ...

Here are the Republicans facing reelection next year: = Them what need to be primaried, IMO  I may have missed some.  Actually all of them should face a primary by a Tea Partier; keep 'em on their toes.

Lamar Alexander (Tennessee)
Saxby Chambliss (Georgia)*
Jeff Chiesa (New Jersey) - Appointee retiring, to be succeeded in October, 2013
Thad Cochran (Mississippi)
Susan Collins (Maine)
John Cornyn (Texas)
Michael Enzi (Wyoming)
Lindsey Graham (South Carolina)
James Inhofe (Oklahoma)
Mike Johanns (Nebraska)*
Mitch McConnell (Kentucky)
James Risch (Idaho)
Pat Roberts (Kansas)
Tim Scott (South Carolina)**
Jeff Sessions (Alabama)     

*Retiring in 2014      

**Special Election in 2014       


  1. Conservatives and Tea Partiers here in SC are foaming at the mouth to replace this jerk. At last count there are three challengers who are going to primary him. Everyone is going to have to rally around one of them sooner or later, or else he'll slip through again.

    Just last week Lindsey Lohan {Graham} was scheduled to hold a "Town Hall Meeting". The place was loaded with Tea Party people and Lohan decided to "no show" for it.


  2. Capt. O'bamadacio Hornblower

  3. I'd love to see Ol' Corny gone and joined with another Ted Cruz. I don't think it's gonna happen, though. The peckerwood just has too much money and suck to be ousted.



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