broke this morning, but you’ve probably heard about it already: A
from Secretary of State John Kerry touches off a rapid-fire chain of
events that threatens to undermine President Obama's appeal to the
nation Tuesday night to back his plan for a military strike against
one was in FOXNews, but it’s been everywhere. It seems Putin was
quick to see the statement of Kerry as a blunder, and is taking
advantage. Kerry said Assad can avoid a US strike if he turns in
his chemical weapons. I’ve seen estimates that if Assad goes
along, it will delay a decision on a US attack by weeks or
months. This is certainly going to undermine Obama’s position
this week. I’d love to be in on the conversation between Obama
and Kerry. This argues against straying from the nationally
agreed line when practicing diplomacy. Off-hand comments are not
acceptable. Yes, we knew Kerry was stupid, but a blunder like
this will be seized upon by a bright guy like Putin before you can put
the toothpaste back in the tube.
I don't think Obama cares. The press will cover for him as he just plays golf and moves on to the next scandal.
ReplyDeleteThis was a lifeline that allows stepping down from the threat to 'hit them with a flyswatter' and walking away leaving Assad in power after crossing the Red Line.
ReplyDeleteObungle had painted hisself into a corner, where if he whacked the mole, it was w/o Congress & USA citizen approval, but if he walked away, he'd failed on a promise to take on Assad for crossing the Red Line.
This way, "Diplomacy" did the job, as is the usual D appeal, knock 'em over with kisses, Hershey Kisses, and stacks of money and they'll be good.... No need for the nasty warriors and bombs.
Thing is Putin is NOT doing this out of the goodness of his heart. He gets his buddy, Assad, a reprieve from being ousted from the levers of power, and frustrates Russian oppostition, MB & Crew, from kicking Moscow out of their pal's ports, airfields, etc. Russ has Med access & port, and can swing bats in the ME with Syrian, Iranian help.
Only way for US to win is if Russky is not allowed to set terms, and Assad has to step down as part of the deal of surrendering the Poisons... But that won't happen.
Assad will stay, and it will take past the 2014 elections for ANYTHING to happen in Syria. Lots of tours for Sens and Reps to see the gas & bullet stockpiles, and Red Cross blankets and help for citizens uprooted by civil dispute.
It has become a bureaucratic problem, just like Benghazi. Bureaucrats fiddling with MANPADs and more in Libya, fingers in cookie jar, can't help you dudes, too bad. ... But story not let loose by WH, instead covered up.
Just hope details can be freed and made use of ag'in the D's in November...
Rush is discussing this issue this morning. He's having a great time.