
Saturday, September 07, 2013

New Jersey bans BB Guns?

New Jersey Adds Several  .... (WTF)?  AIR RIFLES to Its Banned Gun List

Res Ipsa Loquitor

Well, it’s official, New Jersey has jumped the shark on gun control (if they already hadn’t).

According to NJ2AS, the state has banned several types of popular, high end, air rifles.

Specifically, any air rifle that is made to be quieter by design.

One example of this is the Gamo Whisper line of rifles.

These rifles make great pest control rifles for people that own some land, but don’t want to disturb nearby neighbors with the sounds of traditional firearms.

This is, I believe,  no longer only about gun control;  it's about ideology.  The STATE is cracking heads in its struggle for supremacay over the concept of individual rights.


  1. WHAT YOU SEE: Government supremacy.

    WHAT I SEE: Government responsibility.

    Democrats are bloodthirsty psychopaths. No guns of any type should be allowed to exist within the borders of Blue states.

  2. That would disarm our operatives behind the enemy lines. I don't think that's a good ider. Besides it won't be long now before a lot of those people choke on the words, "you were right all along".

  3. A citizen doesn't ask permission to own ANYTHING. A subject does!

  4. Just jumped the shark? That is so funny. Trenton and the socialists that run it jumped the shark the day they made toy slingshots A FELONY. Yes, a rubber band, a stick and a rock and its FEDERAL PRISON. and if your kid makes one, Dad gets to spend time, while they go to Juvie. But you don't hear people crying about that people no one knows, until I tried to make one for my kid, and my neighbor ( an officer ) told me I could do hard time for making it. ( no ballistics on a rock ).
    So Seriously, only someone who lived some place other than this hellhole I am stuck in would say that air rifles ( which already needed your police chiefs permission to own ) getting banned was a Shark jumper.

  5. "this hellhole I am stuck in"

    Texas loves you and Wrist Rockets are still about $15 or rubber surgical hose is about $2/ft.


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