
Wednesday, September 04, 2013

NorK Glass Ceiling

Glass Ceiling?

As seen, All executed


  1. Well. You know what they say about little men (compensating).
    Their mothers ate chicken wings.

  2. Clearly the women would not be able to stand up under all that tin.

  3. We must develop magnetic bombs.

  4. Various articles suggest that NorKors are becoming smaller and shorter and that the military has had to lower its height requirements because not enough boys could meet the minimum 142 (or something like that) centimeters.

    One report I read said that South Korean women are now on average as tall as North Korean men, and though estimates vary widely, the average disparity between males from north & south is almost 3 inches.

    Korea is also a good study group since neither half of the country has experienced any measurable immigration for hundreds of years, so the sole reason for the disparity in individuals' sizes is diet.

    Easy to Google. Makes one wonder if maintaining the world's 4th largest standing army is worth starving your people to the point that your soldiers are smaller than the women in neighboring nations.

    My guess is that one whole grunch of gohan and kimchee and saimin could be made available for what that army costs to maintain.

  5. It would take Kerry two days to fling all those medals.

  6. Looks like their officer ranks go up to O-60.
    Either that or they're decorated for each ass kiss they gave some Dear Leader.
    Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

  7. South Korea could bring down the north by holding a national barbeque along the 38th parallel on a day when the wind was right.

  8. Bocopro, Interesting tidbit from a funny picture. A higher mortality rate, lower fertility rate, and a minimal sized people. It seems that Billll's comment on the BBQ is more truth than joke.

  9. J one hung roh McD9/5/13, 7:34 AM

    What's that she's wearing?....Why yes...yes it is...It's the "Ray Of The Rand" medal.

  10. Roger, I know you must have photo-shopped the pic of the women, right? That's really the same chic three least to my 'white devil' eyes...

  11. Jimmu Macudaru9/5/13, 6:31 PM seen one 여자 요술이 seen um all.


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