
Sunday, September 08, 2013

Obama's still in the barrel

It's always something

Res Ipsa Loquitor


This analysis by Victor Davis Hanson is in today’s National Review Online.  It really gets to the heart of the problem.


If It Wasn’t Syria, It Would Have Been Something Else
By Victor Davis Hanson

Thanks Skoonj. Here's a crudely sliced summation of Hansen's article.

How did Obama get himself into this mess? It was bound to happen, given his past habits. All we are seeing now is the melodramatic fulfillment ofvero possumus, lowering the rising seas, faux Corinthian columns, hope and change, the bows, the Cairo speech, and the audacity of hope. Hubris does earn Nemesis

1) His inclination is to damn straw men, blame others for his self-inflicted errors, and spike the ball when he should keep quiet and become modest (cf. the bin Laden raid). [...] After five years of this, the world caught on, and sees juvenile and narcissistic petulance in lieu of statesmanship—and unfortunately a sinister Putin takes great delight in reminding 7 billion people of this fact almost daily. In terms of geostrategic clout, Obama has nullified the power of his eleven aircraft-carrier battle groups, Putin through his shrewd insight and ruthless calculation of human nature, has added five where they didn’t exist.

2)  Obama thinks in an untrained manner and for all the talk of erudition and education seems bored and distracted [...] —a) the “good” war in Afghanistan could have earned his full attention; b) the “bad” Iraq War was won and needed only a residual force to monitor the Maliki government and protect Iraq airspace and ensure quiet; c) the green revolution in Iran was in need of moral support; d) [...]

3)  Obama cannot attract top talent. Those from prior administrations who are gifted and worked for him or who were promoted by him [...] either were treated badly, not fully utilized, or ended up regretting their experience. Instead a host of mediocrities are recruited on the basis of either their partisanship, loyalty or demonstrated past lightness—an Eric Holder, Joe Biden, Susan Rice, Timothy Geithner, Chuck Hagel, etc. [...] Hillary Clinton whose “what difference does it make?” fingerprints are all over the Syrian and Libyan fiascos wisely got out of town ahead of the posse.
Like Pruden (post below), V.D.H. sees the same two bad choices congress have.

" If the congressional vote is yes, the choice is cynically wasting a few American lives for a possible point, or killing lots more people for a more possible point. Not good choices."

Unlike Pruden, he hopes the vote if "NO." Obama has no more credibility,regardless.

When he's out of office for ten years, the media will reevaluate his presidencyala Jummy Carter and labeled "visionary".  His impeachment, and flight to Dubai to avoid a treason trial, called "a tragedy."


  1. I've long maintained that Obama is merely a placeholder, his only functions are campaigning, golfing, campaigning, vacationing, campaigning. The person who's actually running the show?

    Valerie Jarrett.

  2. There's another way out. We impeach the b.bastard put him on trial for his life then settle for 10 years in Leavenworth. We get rid of Boner, install Cruz as speaker and make Biden his bitch. The world still hates us but who cares, we win anyway.

  3. iri I like your solution to a problem....often brought on by cooties.


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