
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Or maybe he was drunk?

Politico Founder Sees $1,000 a Year Fee for Capital N.Y.

Because Politico have established a sterling reputation for nonpartisan ground breaking news and analysis.

Res Ipsa Loquitor


  1. So, the "Inside the Beltway" crowd get to pay-to-play. Pay the fee, get the inside dope on the dopes running DC, and the media whores selling the USA down the tubes. Jim Vandehei & crew are vultures. IMO. NO offense to vultures.
    Oh, and they'll have all the "Talking Points" lined up in a pretty row so everyone can bleat to the same tune. Neat, huh?

  2. Steve in Greensboro9/10/13, 10:34 AM

    I'd be willing to pay some monthly subscription fee to not read Politico. I wonder if somebody has that already -- like parental controls for pron? Run some sort of NetNanny internet filter that screens out the criminally insane like Lawrence O'Donnell, Robert Reich, Alan Grayson, Ma Clinton, et al.

  3. Buzzy Ginsburg always did talk out of the Left side of her mouth.
    When was that pic taken? 1930?
    Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

  4. How to make a million with a left wing blog. Start with 100 million.


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