
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Litella Administration

The Litella Administration
A new error in U.S. foreign policy.

Didn't watch L'affaire «ligne rouge» speech, because I cannot stand watching Obama.  He's the only person I've ever seen who can prance about while standing still.  Did I say I can't stand to listen to his voice?  It's true.  Anyway, everybody knew the speech was delivered to give media talking points that  morning shows can use to keep the Lo-Fos from knowing what a goofass they have for president.  This Tranato column (excerpt) from yesterday tickled me, and says it all.

In a New York Post column, Rich Lowry puts it a million times more pointedly: "Now that John Kerry is the secretary of state, his gaffes can launch major diplomatic initiatives."
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi echoed the claim in a tweet: "Thanks to Pres. Obama's strength, we have a Russian proposal. We hope that it is credible and real, and therefore progress."

If Pelosi had any wit, she'd have tweeted that we have to bomb Syria so we can find out what's in it.

In a mordant way, it is fitting that this crisis seemingly ended with an administration gaffe, for that is also the way it began. Obama wasn't doing anything more than thinking out loud last year when he set a "red line" against the use of chemical weapons, but he trapped himself into making it U.S. policy, then demanded Congress and the world back it up. It's as if Emily Litella--the hard-of-hearing old lady the late Gilda Radner played on "Saturday Night Live"--were in charge of U.S. foreign policy. Only President Litella, on having her error pointed out to her, would have the good sense to say: "Never mind."

Come to think of it, the Litella analogy even explains that bizarre "Cheerios" comment we highlighted yesterday. What's all this fuss I keep hearing about military action against cereal? (James Taranto)


  1. I'm confused--JFKerry said the attack was going to be "unbelievably small" but 0bama said "the US military doesn't do pin-pricks." And if 0bama was talking to Putin about this deal months ago, why didn't Putin & the Syrians jump at the chance then? Afraid of that unbelievably small non-pin-prick attack?

  2. The only person in this whole deal that isn't lying is the Russian rat bastard. That's how bad things really are.

    I can't look at or listen to the man either. Thank God there are people on our side out there with stronger stomachs. Of course they get paid for it.


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