
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Immigration Rant

STFU Barry ...

"The pens" in the Main Hall at Ellis Island. These immigrants passed their first mental examination and are waiting for more. One qualification for coming to the United States was to have someone already living here who could help you integrate. Image courtesy the New York Public Library.

This past week, I presented the fact that posted an ad, in January 0f 2014, seeking “escort services for unaccompanied alien children” from ages from infancy to 17, to transport them to Office of Refugee Resettlement Shelters throughout the U.S. This was a completely manufactured crisis and it was well planned. Even the Wall Street Journal, on June 20, 2014, stated that someone is spreading the belief in Central America that if children can get to America, they will be allowed to stay along with their parents. The culprit for this disinformation would most likely be the CIA.

I have previously covered how the federal government has manufactured the health crisis and one of the standards of proof is in the degree of preparation demonstrated by the federal government. The government knew this was going to happen and they planned for it.

The net result for what I am labeling as treason against the American people, is that we are at risk for contracting the planet’s most virulent diseases and viruses for which we have no treatment and no immunity. In my discussion with Dr. Orient, she used the term “biological attack” in order to describe the threat being posed in the present crisis. Dr. Orient used the term “possible collusion” to describe the federal government’s complete inaction in addressing the growing health concerns as the CDC is completely absent on the border. [Full]

"But we are confident that there will not be a large Ebola outbreak in the US." There is no treatment or vaccine for Ebola, but it can be contained if patients are swiftly isolated and adequate protective measures are used, he said.
Ebola hasn't yet broken out in the United States, but given the free-wheeling immigration policies brokered by Ted Kennedy in 1965—policy that sharply curtailed the immigration of Europeans in favor of third world nations—the clock is ticking.  In the meanwhile, Brock Obama (himself with questionable citizenship)  has allowed make that manufacturedthe illegal immigration of MILLIONS of Mexican and South Americans who have caused the spread of drug resistant TB, Dengue Fever and Chikungunya. 

I think a case can be made to levy manslaughter charges against Obama for every U.S. death that can be traced to his reckless behavior.  Since the motivation for this onslaught of illegals is to create an undefeatable Democrat voting block, the DNC  ought also be made to atone.


  1. Bringing an Ebola epidemic to America would be Barry0's crowning achievement. How could he not do this?

  2. Steve in Greensboro9/30/14, 12:16 PM

    Bringing Enterovirus 68 in (with its polio like symptoms) via the flood of Central American illegals was clearly not "progressive" enough for our President Barack Ebola.


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