
Monday, September 22, 2014

Robert BEEEEEE Reich!

Clinton Labor Sec. Robert Reich: ‘Mostly white’ suburban county to blame for Detroit’s woes

DETROIT – In a recent Detroit Free Press op-ed, University of California-Berkeley Professor Robert Reich places the blame for the city of Detroit’s bankruptcy on the “mostly white” residents of Oakland County.

Detroit-in-ruins-15“But Detroit is really a model for how wealthier and whiter Americans escape the costs of public goods they would otherwise share with poorer and darker Americans,” Reich wrote. “ … But one thing is for certain: A very large and prosperous group close by won’t sacrifice a cent — the mostly white citizens of neighboring Oakland County.”

The reaction of one Oakland County official was that Reich, a former U.S. Secretary of Labor, didn’t know much about his chosen topic.

“That piece is clearly misinformed,” said Robert Daddow, Oakland County deputy county executive. “He doesn’t understand what he is talking about.”

By all accounts, the state and Oakland County are major stakeholders in Detroit. Here’s some things Reich overlooked about how county and state taxpayers help fund Detroit [HERE]

To give Reich his due, he was the nearest thing to someone with integrity in Willy Clinton's cabinet.  His socialist leanings, however, are so intense that idiocies like this are his stock and trade. Also, I don't mean to pick on Robert. B Reich for his diminutive  stature.  One of my greatest thrills in baseball was seeing Eddie Gaedel come to the plate. (Eddie kept his politics to himself.)


  1. Reich was the Deming continuous improvement Guru when the Navy was caught up in the TQL movement in the early nineties, pre-Clinton. We should have know he was a socialist since he was a professor at Harvard.

  2. The willing suspension of disbelief.

  3. And Gaedel had alot more stature than Reich.
    olds mo william

  4. I hadn't thought of him since i saw him on the queer float in the NYC St. Patrick's Day parade.

  5. Randy Newman had it right:

    Short people got no reason
    To live

    They got little hands
    Little eyes
    They walk around
    Tellin' great big lies

    They got little noses
    And tiny little teeth
    They wear platform shoes
    On their nasty little feet


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