
Thursday, October 09, 2014

Harry Reid's Goon ...

Thug Culture                                 

Sen. Reid; How did you get so
rich working for the government?

Just askin'


  1. Press guy shoulda dropped him.

  2. Jerseygirl Angie10/9/14, 5:12 PM

    Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system !

  3. I think we've found the next "Stomp out Bullying" commercial.

  4. Nice, Angie!

  5. Harry Reid is a mean-spirited, underhanded, devious, lonely, miserable little shit with virtually no self-esteem and even less self-respect. He discovered long ago that people don't like him, so he somehow parlayed his ability to manipulate and obfuscate and prevaricate and castigate into vast personal wealth on a government employee's salary and become a bully by using the shield and power of government to destroy enemies through invective, innuendo, and insinuation.

    His whole life is now dedicated to what he sees as justifiable payback for people's general disrespect and distaste for him. The only thing he's accomplished in the Senate for the past 10 years is pushing the "Affordable Care Act" through a reluctant Congress with back-room deals, false promises, and threats. Other than that, all he's done is obstruct progress, delay legislation, and defame people he doesn't like.

    Seeing members of his staff behaving physically in the same manner he does through positional authority in the US Senate is no surprise. He needs to be dehydrated, powdered, and scattered over Nairobi.

    On Oct 10, 2014, at 9:39 AM, John Scott (via Metzger)

  6. And yet, Anon 1152, the voters in Nevada keep on electing this asshole. Those voters are 1) truly uninformed, 2) don't give a shit, or 3) just plain stupid.


  7. Scottiebill, don't forget the SEIU and Culinary Workers Union, which are powerful influences for corruption in Las Vegas. Not everyone in Nevada is stupid, but SEIU counts the ballots.

  8. Hey, Skoonj, you are right - not everyone in Nevada is stupid, but those who voted for Reid damn sure are. And the SEIU very likely has their tugs and gangsters keeping conservative voters out and the dead and illegals in.


  9. And "our side" doesn't have investigative journalists and/or lawfare experts to dig out the truth regarding actual nefarious activity assisting him (and others) in the accumulation of their wealth?

    If our guys can't bring the truth to the fore, we just ain't trying.

    Of course, stonewalling on their side does work.


  10. The answer, of course, could have been "Just like all my fellow Senators".

    Top Democrats net worth:
    Mark Warner $257,481,658
    Richard Blumenthal $103,803,192
    Jay Rockefeller $101,290,514
    Dianne Feinstein $68,446,578

    Top Republicans:
    James Risch $53,517,527
    Bob Corker $49,114,509
    John Hoeven $37,115,538
    Ron Johnson $24,442,007

    Poor Ol' Harry is #31 on the rich-list, with a measly $6.8 million


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