Friday, January 09, 2009

Rotten to the Core

Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard

Indict Rahm Emanuel

Tropic Toonder

Way Too Late Movie Reviews

Awhile back TUA gave Tropic Thunder her highest rating ("one of the funniest films I’ve seen since 'Team America'”).   I didn't forget. We got around to watching it last night.  Here's my quick scorecard.  Guffaws=0.  Laffs= 1½, Smiles=3.  As often happens, however, my thoughts about this flick upgraded somewhat overnight. There was a certain genius too it all, but it ... was ...  I don't want to say over the top, but something was wrong.  I think I'm tired of Ben Stiller.

There's Something About Mary put him on the map for me.  Meet the Parents was good (I refused to patronize the sequel for casting reasons).  Zoolander was the best of the lot, but Stiller seems stuck in that character.   I read someplace that Tom Cruise "wowed" people with his role in Thunder.  WTF?  I wanted to slap him, possibly a carryover to  his jumping about on Oprah's couch, which thought I cannot erase.  Nick Nolte is a commie stooge, and Robert Downey, Jr - the best talent in this group, couldn't overcome the role he was handed.  Of course TUA works in the industry, so the Hollywood insider jokes may have influenced her, but I will nevertheless give her a spanking when next we meet. I give it a C-.  Next on my NetFlix  queue ... Rumpole of the Bailey: Series 6. I can give that an A+ in advance.

The Aristocrats - 2005