
Wednesday, February 28, 2007


This is the week for drawing 'lines in the sand," and like Dean Esmay's, Kim duToit's leaves me confounded.  I like "THE NAME "Fudds"."  I want Fudds.  Save the Fudds,

Okay, this was the real "line in the sand" post, but I was compelled to manipulate for segues sake.


  1. Kim is right, Fudds now Zumboids, are those hunters that side with gun grabbers when it comes to handguns, "assualt rifles", .50 caliber rifles, or any scarry looking firearm. Clinton, Kerry, and others have tried to make themselves look like regular guys by going on staged hunts. Then they state nobody needs the above mentioned oogie guns.

    Roger, a Purdy is a fowlig piece and as such may qualify you as a Fudd. They are works of art and if I had one I'd shoot it too.

  2. Fear Uncertainty and Doubt = FUD. Nice hunters, the gun grabbers will take your scoped bolt action "sniper" rifles anyway. Not a damn thing in the Second Amendment about protecting hunting - ya know?

  3. Hey, I am not siding with the Fudds, I hate their guts. I just like the name better than "Zumboids."

  4. I like the name too. I'll never remember....zoid, zombie, whatever.


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