Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Esamy's Line in the sand

Sand in your face
My first reaction to Dean Esmay's "Line in the Sand" doctrine was that he was just a bit too full of himself. 

This is meant for front-page contributors, submitters, or even commenters. It is time for you to make a choice, and to live by that choice. Because I certainly intend to.

Simply put, you must agree with all of the following assertions:

    1) Islam does not represent the forces of Satan or the Anti-Christ bent on destruction of the Christian world.

    2) There is no 1,400 year old "war with the West/Christianity" being waged by Muslims or anyone else.

    3) Islam as a religion is no more inherently incompatible with modernity, minority rights, women's rights, or democratic pluralism than most religions.

    4) Medieval, anachronistic, obscure terms like "dhimmitude" or "taqiyya" are suitable for polite intellectual discussion. They are not and never will be appropriate to slap in the face of everyday Muslims or their friends.

    5) Muslims have no more need to prove that they can be good Americans, loyal citizens, decent people, or enemies of terrorism than anyone else does

I have a lot of respect for Dean, but am not a daily reader of his blog so I don't know what precipitated this.  The key phrase is "everyday Muslims or their friends."   Let's stipulate that there are "good Muslims," and lots of them.  Let's also stipulate that radical Islamofascists have openly declared war against non-Muslims, have stated their goal of making Islam the world religion, the only religion, and have attacked us at home and abroad.   We are at war with that faction of Islam, and to the best of my knowledge Dean accepts that. 


My stance on this matter will be best summed up by reiterating that the only decent thing Earl Warren ever did in his life was oversee the internment of Japanese during WWII.  It's possible that 100% of them were rock solid in their allegiance to the United States, but we were at war, fighting for our very existence as a free nation.


Sorry Dean. War is not pretty, and knows no rules. You win it at all cost, and pay reparations where they're deserved afterwards.


Anonymous said...

Let's see, if you go into a bar with a half-dozen male friends, and one of them get's into a fistfight with a bouncer, do they just throw him out, or all of you?


Rodger the Real King of France said...

In my experience, just the friend.

K-nine said...

Depends on the posturing of the rest. As a one time bouncer, sometimes it's best just to clean house to save later trouble.

Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...

I saw this on SondraK as I was browsing last night. I've never really read Dean either, and now I don't think I will. Unless people were posting artwork of the Koran in a vile of urine...

Anonymous said...

yabba dabba...


Rodger the Real King of France said...

So Josh. you went from askared to seduced.

Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...

I never said I didn't look at SondraK's site. Just that it's unfamiliar and I am indeed a young, wide-eyed and frightened boy, and commenting on anything there gives me goose-bumps.

Not like you Rodger. Reports have you from 25-156 years of age, you may possible live in Maryland, but that may be a cover. None of your aliases are intimidating, Mr Schlong, Gonzo, Schultz, Belvedere, or Gonzalez.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

There you go Josh. I used to work at SondraK's and showered regularly with her, Claire and some others who I forget. We all look the same naked, and all put our pants on one leg at a time.

Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...

That's a terrible, terrible image Rodger. Don't worry though, this is still where I spend at least an hour a day, glancing through archives and what not. It's like a history class without the BS.

Forceleader999 said...

I quit reading Esmay over two years ago, after a particularly nasty episode of totalitarianistic moronicity he demonstrated in Kim du Toit's comment section.

Directed at a Libertarian, as I recall. I used to think Esmay was one of the good Lefties, but I haven't for some time. I guess Hitchens and Orson Scott Card are the only ones left.

Anonymous said...

You've been kickboxing Rodger???
Good for you! :) this a real e-mail address for you? Because I sent you one the other day..........

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Actually, I was referring to the similarity of our breasts and genitals. :(

Anonymous said...

Nah Rog, they boot the friends too. You've been drinking at home too long.


Anonymous said...

Ok, now I get it.

Yours has shrunk a bit too, eh?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Sadly, Ron Jeremy's reign is secure.

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